Weekly Preshow Download
Friday August 21, 2020


Please see movie trivia list at bottom of page.

If you are experiencing any issue with downloading or unzipping, please email me the list of trivia or ads you want to info@ideumcommunications.com right away

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All Movie Trivia

All Trivia


1. Download all your new preshow to your computer (folder called Preshow)

I strongly suggest using Chrome instead of Internet Explorer as you can download many files at once.
Download Chrome here

To save your Preshow to your hard-drive, right-click on "Download", then choose "Save Link As"

2. Unzip all files. This will create folders with 5 files each.

To unzip the DCP files, please download and install 7-Zip
Once installed, right click on the Zipped DCP file and select 7-Zip, then Extract to (name of the folder)
(1MB downloaded checked with AVG Anti-virus on May 2012)

3. Copy all those files on the projector computer.

4. Mix and match the policies, movie trivia and ads if there are any.

5. If you have alot of movies, you can place only the new movies or the ones who work well that week.

Please let me know right away if there are any issues your preshow
905-836-0081 or info@ideumcommunications.com

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